Health (Mental) & Climate Change 


The aim of this program of our work is African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) health (mental)  and mitigating climate change in the region. It will also conduct research and consultancy services to support the communities. The focus will mainly be in public and mental health and mitigating climate change in urban and rural areas and its impact specifically on African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) community. 

Greater Expertise 

This cluster is one in which we have a great pool of practitioner scholars with a hands on experience in Northern America, who work in one of the leading universities and health systems. 

Our mission will be raising awareness and conducting studies to assess the state of climate change and its health impacts and the rise of mental health issues among African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) youth in Ontario and  as well as establishing mitigating factors in Ontario and beyond. 

More information will be available in due course.