ICTs, Business and Innovation   


Goal: $ 50,000

Africa and people of African origin have been innovators since prehistoric times but were rarely given credits. We can create and do create and innovate. There seems to be a focus on Black entrepreneurship training and programs in Canada but with limited support of until they become full-fledged businesses.  This cluster will research and consult Black and marginalized communities-focused issues with an interest and emphasis on Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), business, and innovation. Not only researching, but like the other clusters, community action based on our research finding/s. 

The project operating cost for this cluster is $50,000 per year and we aim to raise it from donation, grants and crowdsourcing. 


We will work with BIPOC individuals, companies, businesses, and other governmental departments and non-governmental organizations to cater to research gaps and needs in these areas. Outstanding university graduates will also be recruited as fellows. The expenses of these fellows will be covered by donations or grants.  

The ICT cluster is not geared towards the technical or software and hardware support side of the technology but the social, political and economic understanding and analysis of ICT use, innovation, processes, digital divide and outcomes. There will be a particular focus on the role of ICTs in market and educational development. 

Similarly, BIPOC entrepreneurship and businesses will be deal with in this unit.

The growing concern of food security among BIPOC communities in Ontario (KWC) and globally will be another area that this unit will aim to address.