Our Services, Research Hubs and Projects

We are unique because we have developed and apply our own house style (The CanAfro Methodology- created by marrying Western and Indigenous African research approaches) of racially and culturally appropriate research methodology. Additionally, we reinvest our income in our charitable and non-profit community initiatives! Our projects and services are mainly in our own main areas of expertise.  These include, but not limited to:

  • DATA, DATA and DATA! Data Justice for African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) and marginalized communities will be the core of our work. We are seeking support for a proposed multi-year Anti-Black Racism Data Project. 
  • Equity and Anti-racism work (research, training and review).
  • Equity and general project and program audit, workplace racism and discrimination investigation and audit (Anti-Black Racism)
  • African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) institutions organizational performance, program and project evaluations and review
  • Organizational Research and Development  (R&D)
  • African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) and marginalized communities-data collection and survey (pen and paper, recorder, telephone and digital), distribution, opinion pooling, focus group discussions (FGDs), interviews, participant observation, ethnography, archival sources (Black archival research), literature reviews, discourse analysis, digital data collection and data analysis, interpretation, report writing and presentation.                
  • Baseline and endline surveys
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)
  • BICPOC-focused media, governance and human rights monitoring, conflict and risk analysis. 
  • Diaspora research and consultancy with a focus on the Black-identifying asylum seeking, refugee, immigrant, and generational communities in Ontario (KWC area) and beyond. Community groups, national associations and faith-based groups. 
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)/development studies, conflict resolution and reconciliation, human rights, history, culture and sociological research. 
  • Mental health is an alarming issue. Researching Black and marginalized communities mental health issues in KWC and beyond.
  • African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) and marginalized communities-focused translation and transcription and production of research papers, academic journal articles, media contributions, blogs, policy briefs, working papers, analysis, situational reports, and books. 
  • African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) and marginalized communities investment research and consultancy and business, economics, market research and feasibility studies          
  • Education, capacity building,  Knowledge Mobilization (KM) and Smart Fellows Programs
  • Training, workshops, short online and in-person courses and seminar on multidisciplinary issues 

Development is mutual and the model we follow is not the aid-focused model but the investment and cooperative model to international development. Given the origin and work experience of most of our team and boards, we will be focusing on the East African region. Projects directly focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are addressed in this...

DATA Justice


This would be our core area of work. Historically, marginalized BIPOC communities have been at the receiving end of data-injustice from the collection to the dissemination stages. We aim to build that data trust among the community.

This is one of the areas of our work. We will work to critically study and find solutions to pressing equity and anti-racism concerns of the African, Caribbean and Black-identifying community in KWC and Ontario. Research, public forum and discussion will also be the highlight of this segment.

Africa and people of African origin have been innovators since prehistoric times but were rarely given credits. We can create and do create and innovate. There seems to be a focus on Black entrepreneurship training and programs in Canada but with limited support of until they become full-fledged businesses. This cluster will research and consult...

This section proffers leading research and consultancy activities related African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) and marginalized communities and the media, governance and law, An important and an innovative product of this segment will be the production of new risk and human rights metrics to track risk factors and human rights concerns...

The aim of this program of our work is African, Caribbean, and Black-identifying (ACBi) health (mental) and mitigating climate change in the region. It will also conduct research and consultancy services to support the communities. The focus will mainly be in public and mental health and mitigating climate change in urban and rural areas and its...

This unit will conduct humanistic research and consultancy with the main goal of building strong human and cultural relationship, understanding, unity and peace between people within Ontario and KWC is the purpose of this program. Research and consultancy in the education sector will also be another important segment of this network. We understand...

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